Monday 7 January 2013

Lifting Workouts to Get Cut

 Getting cuts is a buzz amongst bodybuilding freaks! Considering this fact, I have provided some exercises which can be included in the lifting workouts to get cuts and also some tips on the same.

It is a well-known fact that most of the youngsters nowadays are looking out for huge and well toned arms. However, there are many who strive to get cuts on their bodies! And now, here's the third fact.. there are people, who eagerly crave for huge and well toned muscles as well as getting a cut! Well, that's interesting! But let me tell you, achieving both the goals is quite challenging and difficult, but definitely not impossible!! You can certainly build those 'massive muscles' and at the same time develop cuts on your body. Weightlifting routines to get cuts is the best and a popularly followed method of achieving your goals. However, these weight training workouts to get cut, strength training exercises and muscle building routines, need to be planned properly you also need to do it in the supervision of a qualified physical trainer. Not only this, but there are many more factors to be discussed in detail.

Tips for Weightlifting Workouts to Get Cut

Now, understand that your intention is to get a huge body as well as developing cuts is a difficult task requiring a lot of commitment towards self health and also dedication towards exercises. Therefore, consider reading the following tips, that would help you achieve your goals in a healthy manner.

Workouts and Exercises

Performing regular workouts and doing all the exercises properly is the key to gaining huge muscles as well as cuts. You need not spend hours in the gymnasium, doing intense workouts and sweating it out all at once! An hour of workout, that targets all the muscle groups properly by including at least one exercise for every muscle is more than enough. Start your workout with a good warm up session and some stretching exercises. Remember, lifting heavy weights is the most important factor of your lifting workouts to get cuts. The heavier the weight, the more intense and beneficial the workout gets! Intense repetitions will result in fast usage of energy, a part of which will be spent in developing muscle size and cut and the other part will be spent in lifting those heavy weights. 5 - 8 repetitions would suffice. Some experts recommend 6 - 9 repetitions, however get it sorted out with your physical trainer and find out which one would be suitable for your body.


Increase in the calorie intake is suggested. Certainly to increase muscle size and become 'big', increasing the calorie and protein intake proves effective. However, here the challenge (rather twist!) is, that on one side you are looking out to increase your muscle size and therefore eating a lot, on the other side, you also want cut and therefore do not want too much of fat to accumulate in your body. So how can you strike a balance between both? Well, the answer to this, monitoring the calorie and protein count and eating enough, just to fulfill the objective of muscle gain! You can do this by eating food that will not make you fat, and at the same time provide you with adequate protein and calories!

Fat Burning Exercises
By fat burning exercises, I mean to say cardiovascular exercises. Surely, these exercises should form an important part of your lifting workouts. Now, some might question that, why are cardio exercises advised along with lifting workouts to get cuts? Let me tell you the reason behind this logic. Your intention is to gain cuts as well as build muscle. For this, you are eating a lot and also have increased your calorie intake. Hence, now you need to balance your heavy diet and also the heavy workouts. Cardio exercises are the best way to do this! Perform cardio exercises for about half an hour or 40 minutes, but not more than that! Otherwise, there are chances that your body might get over exhausted and you would lose the muscle size and shape. Remember your focus is to burn fat and not muscle. Therefore, see that you get a cardio workout prescribed from your physical trainer, that will burn enough fat and at the same time preserve muscle.

Mentioned below are some exercises, that would help you in your muscle building endeavors. Need not perform all of them everyday. Include at least two of each in your workout and keep on interchanging combinations.
  • Biceps: Bicep curls, preacher curls, hammer curls and bicep concentration curls.
  • Triceps: Tricep press down, lying barbell extensions, tricep dumbbell extensions and tricep dumbbell kick backs.
  • Shoulders: Side lateral raises, front lateral raises, shoulder press and bent lateral raises.
  • Chest: Bench press, incline bench press, pec deck and dips.
  • Back: Bent barbell rows, T-bar rows, one arm dumbbell row and pulley rows (seated).
  • Legs: Hack Squats, sit ups and calf raises.
  • Forearms: Wrist curls.
Apart from the above mentioned exercises, you can include other ones in your workout routine to get cut! However, see that you get your workout plan or exercise programs and balanced diet program prescribed from a qualified physical trainer and dietitian.

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